To become a member of COLLO, an organization or association must agree to the overall purpose of the Coalition. However, actions of the coalition are not binding upon its members. Applications for membership shall be reviewed by the COLLO Board of Directors; and upon approval, shall be referred to members of the Coalition for a vote. If two-thirds of the current membership approves, the applicant shall be accepted. The Coalition also welcomes the presence and participation of individuals and other groups with a commitment to adult or continuing education on a non-voting basis.
For an annual dues amount of $100.00, members shall receive periodic updates on the policy and best practices, attend important meetings, vote on COLLO operations and positions, determine award recipients, and discuss issues and concerns with colleagues from member organizations. Over the years, due to the collaboration of COLLO members, the Coalition has been effective in a variety of areas.
To apply for COLLO membership, contact: